The story of Vigne Matte winery begins with the vision of an entrepreneur who, enamored with Rolle and wine, decided in 1998 to embark on a new venture in a beloved sector. The Rui family expanded their holdings by acquiring Red House, located on the hilltop of Rolle and easily recognizable from the road. Over the years, to enhance Rolle, a picturesque small village, the Rui family established the Vigne Matte winery. The winery was meticulously designed, constructed, and entirely built within the hillside, visible only from the ridge where the slope descends toward the vineyards. This meticulous architectural intervention not only blends harmoniously with the landscape but also maintains optimal wine storage temperatures. The name “Vigne Matte” is closely linked to the evocative nature of this territory and the fortune of possessing ancient vine stocks, which still thrive among the rocks today. These ancient vines, with their strong and long roots, manage to penetrate the soil and obtain the necessary nutrients. Despite challenges, even in the driest periods, they produce their finest fruits. All of this, combined with perseverance, made it possible to realize a dream! Thanks to determination, meticulous technology, and a quest for quality products, early successes were achieved. In 2005, despite being new to the sector, the winery won the “Gold Medal” at Vinitaly, reaffirmed in 2006 with the “Grand Gold Medal.” Over the years, numerous accolades have followed in both national and international competitions.
“Producing wine is not just a job, it is a vocation that must be possessed and preserved to produce the best fruits.”