Cantina Pertinace (Piedmont), Cantina Vignaioli del Morellino di Scansano (Tuscany), CVA Canicattì (Sicily), Cantina Frentana (Abruzzo), La Guardiense (Campania), Soligo (Veneto) six extraordinary wineries, representing the best Italian wine production areas, have united under a new brand to transmit Italian values of cooperation and improve international promotion. The Wine Net, born in 2017, is a network of six of the best Italian cooperatives, which reached the goal of terroir and appellation valorization. Their main mission is the production quality and a high transparency in the communication of their brands. As a “modern enterprise”, the network wants to intercept current and future market opportunities, starting from the development of international markets, and a better presence on the italian market, considered strategic for the competitiveness of italian wineries.