Patkov Vineyard is a product of love for wine, food, nature, and the impossible ventures of best friends Branko Mlađenović and Mirjana Đurđević. The decision to plant grašac over such a large area in a relatively small vineyard stemmed not only from personal taste but also from the desire to restore the place this long-overlooked grape variety deserves on all serious wine lists. Grašac Knez Miškin was the first wine to open the Patkov Vineyard collection, followed by his wild brother Alex deLarge and the rosé, Molly Bloom. The Master and Margarita was introduced in 2017, Knez Miškin in 2020, and Geppetto in 2021. Currently in production are Geppetto 2023 and Mephisto, a Cabernet Franc from 2022. “The names of our wines are a tribute to literary characters and works that shaped us, yet today are overlooked or even forgotten,” says Mirjana Đurđević, herself the creator of numerous literary characters and a few wines. Patkov Vineyard produces about 10,000 bottles of wine annually. Although classified as a garage winery in terms of capacity, it is actually housed in a barn, under the roof of a 150-year-old Swabian house in Krčedin. Between walls made of packed earth, more than half a meter thick, lies everything a small, modern winery needs.