The Fürstlich Castell’sche Domäne one of Germany oldest wine villages a royal family now in its 26th generation and an estate that bears their name Castell. The family is known for the Fürstlich Castell’schen Bank, for its stewardship of forests and fields, and, of course, 800 years of cultivating wine. Castell planted Germany first Silvaner vines, in 1659. Even today, the regional flagship variety is at the heart of theestate work, grown according to the strict guidelines of the Verbandes Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter (and counted among the pioneers of the first classification system in Franken. The estate reputation is built upon its seven VDP classified single vineyards, five held as monopole vineyards and all with soil of tremendous quality Some of the sites date back over 750 years and feature vines up to 50 years of age. Castell sees its mission as preserving the vineyards for the next generation, leading it to work with as little intervention as possible and always with the greatest respect for nature. The climatic conditions in Castell are perfect for viticulture, including the crucial role played by the forest. Those woods keep things cool in the summer and protect the vines in the winter. And the interaction between these elements leads to minerally white wines and structured red wines a clear, linear and focused style marked with the distinctive minerality of the gypsum keuper soils of the region. From „dry to nobly sweet“ Castell wines promise a long and beautiful future, and charm all those willing to wait. Which is why they mature in traditionally crafted barrels sourced from local oak.