FABA is a family winery founded by Mr. Faik Driza.
The genesis of the Faba winery can be found in the early 1990s where the passion of Mr. Faik Driza together with the wife Bajame, would give life to a business that would flourish 10 years later. Their 2 sons, Altini and Asafi, living in Tuscany, Italy, joined the idea of the parents. Culture and passion were intertwined and thus created the variety of products of Faba Kantine. State-of-the-art technology and the selection of the highest quality wines gave life to 9 wine labels and 3 raki labels. For Altini, the return to Albania and the step-by-step treatment of the needs of the vintner and the winery alongside his father Faik, would be a dream come true.
The motto was „We only produce quality wine“. Faba winery currently processes 4000 quintals of grapes. The canteen is located at the entrance of the city of Fier in its northern part. Lgj. Big brother.
While growing vineyards in the surroundings of the city but also further away up to a radius of 20-30 km covering an area of 60 ha all together. Where a part of these vineyards are owned and the rest of the collaborators who have been loyal to the winery for years. The main cultivars that populate the vineyards of the Faba winery are. Cabernet sauvignon, Sangiovese, Merlot, Chardonnay, Vlosh, Riesling, Sheshi black, White square…
The wine labels are: Cabernet, Red Bull, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sangiovese, Chardonnay, White Yuga, Red Yuga, Albanian Red, Riesling, Black Square, White Square. Brandy labels are: Grape Brandy, Moskat Brandy, Entuziazem Faba Brandy.